How It Works

Create A Free Profile
- Create an instructor profile and receive 2 free response credits.
- Choose the flight instruction services you want to provide and your instruction rates.
- Customize your profile to showcase your experience and instruction specialties
- Instruct when it works for you; full-time or an occasional endorsement or flight review.

Become Verified
- Take the extra step to become Verified, confirming your current certificate
- Upload your ID and certification documents.
- Once reviewed, a Verified badge is displayed on your profile.
- Provides prospective customers an added layer of trust.

Open for Business
- Receive detailed instruction requests that pertain to your training specialties.
- Review instruction requests and decide if you are interested.
- Use 1 response credit to start messaging with your prospective customers.
- Accept secure payments with automatically deposited earnings by connecting to Stripe.
Choose Your Package
To respond to instruction requests and access our tools, try our Pro or Basic Package.
Sign up and receive your 2 Free Response Credits.
*Credits never expire. Auto-renewal not available.
See Benefits Comparison
Take charge of your flight instructing today

Independence to choose your services, schedule, and rates

24/7 exposure to a large network of potential clients

Never miss potential opportunities with our email, SMS and push notifications

Convenient and secure online payment method to ensure you get paid

Easy-to-use tools to track service hours and send invoices

Meet some of the flight instructors

Chris P.
I am an aviation educator with over 10 years of experience in the aviation training media industry. I will make sure we have a practical and realistic approach to all we do, heavily focused on scenario based training and aeronautical decision making.

Bryan K.
I share my passion of aviation through fun, collaborative learning, paying close attention to detail and safety/risk management. Provide private, commercial, complex and high performance endorsement training, Bonanza transition training and flight reviews.

Nicholas A.
After my naval career, I found my calling in flight instruction and have instructed in both military and GA for over a decade; both fixed and rotor wing. My use of scenario-based-training ensures you are a well prepared aviator before ever sending you to a practical.

Pamela M.
I am a flight instructor with 20+ years of experience. I provide single- and multi-engine primary, instrument & tailwheel training. I hold ATP certification, Citation CJ & Mustang type ratings, and provide mentor pilot services.
"The worst day of flying still beats the best day of real work.”
- Unknown
Contact Us
P.O. Box 190936
Anchorage, AK, 99519