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How Instructair Works

Search and compare flight instructors in your area or post your training needs - all for free. Find your instructor here, whether seeking initial training, additional ratings, a flight review, or something more specific.

Connect with flight instructors that meet your aviation training needs. Our online direct messaging service allows you to easily communicate with flight instructors, accept instruction offers, and to schedule your lessons.

Meet with your instructor for your one-time or ongoing lessons. Once your training is complete, you can pay your instructor using our secure online payment service for a 3% transaction fee. Leave a review to let others know about your experience.
Easily connect with your ideal instructor
Learning to fly is challenging enough. We’ll make finding the right instructor easy.

Easily search and compare flight instructors with listed profiles and map-based navigation, based on your selected criteria.

Verified instructors have provided proof of their current instructor certificates.

Search instructor profiles, place training requests, message, and pay flight instructors with our easy to use app.

Make payments to your flight instructor using our secure online payment tool. Look for the CC accepted badge on the instructor profiles.

Never miss a flight instructor offer or message with email, SMS, and push notifications.

Use Facebook to sign-in, post instruction requests, and share your experience with others.

Easily search and compare NAFI flight instructors with listed profiles and map-based navigation, based on your selected criteria.

Verified instructors have provided proof of their current instructor certificates.

Search instructor profiles, place training requests, message, and pay flight instructors with our easy to use app.

Make payments to your flight instructor using our secure online payment tool. Look for the CC accepted badge on the instructor profiles.

Never miss a flight instructor offer or message with email, SMS, and push notifications.

Use Facebook to sign-in, post instruction requests, and share your experience with others.
Meet some of the flight instructors

David C.
I am a Master CFI through NAFI and a FAA Gold Seal Flight Instructor. I have been teaching since 2008. I hold CFI/I, MEI, AGI, and IGI certs. I teach all students including ATP and CFI. I look forward to helping you achieve your goals and your success in aviation!

Matthew C.
If you are looking for a professional, efficient, fun and safe flight training experience, look no further! 10+ years of experience in the aviation
field and 400+ hours of flight instruction.

Justin W.
FAA WINGS Master level CFI/CFII with experience in general aviation, airline, and military aircraft operation. 20+ years aviation industry experience, and 10+ years pilot experience. Also experienced with Part 107 remote pilot regulations and operations.
"The worst day of flying still beats the best day of real work.”
- Unknown
Contact Us
P.O. Box 190936
Anchorage, AK, 99519
*Not all instructors accept credit card payments. If they do, it will be indicated on their profile.